Goals for the Break
Posted by Unknown , Thursday, December 18, 2008 3:35 PM
I'm really really bad about accomplishing goals outside of assignments on a syllabus, but I'm going to try my damndest to do the following things by January 15:
- Finish all grad school apps and send them off.
- Write at least one more installment of "Mr. Simmons Goes to Washington."
- Write the script for a parody of the Law& Order episode, "Russian Love Poem."
- Finish Fable II.
- Finish Saints Row.
- Finish Final Fantasy XII.
- Write a review for Tomb Raider: Underworld.
- Write a review for Fable II.
- Make new icons for sections of the blog.
- Make a new post containing links to my major papers.
If you would like copies of your major papers posted on HCOL, I can make that happen. Doesn't even need to go on your list.